The argument about the usability of HTML sitemaps and their SEO effectiveness continues. However, in my opinion, they are beneficial to users and there is no reason not to have one. It's even great if there's an additional SEO benefit with website sitemap checker.

A sitemap directs users to the areas of your website where they wish to go. If they can't find what they're looking for in your dropdown menus or on-site search, they'll go there. Beyond helping your visitors navigate your website (which should be the primary focus of any marketing effort) there are lots of other great reasons to use a sitemap. We’ll explore those below.

To begin, it's necessary to recognize that there are two sorts of sitemaps used by websites:

  • XML sitemaps.
  • HTML sitemaps.

What Are XML Sitemaps?

Search engines and spiders use XML sitemaps to find your website's pages. These sitemaps provide search engines with a list of a website's URLs as well as a comprehensive map of all of the site's pages. This aids search engines in prioritizing which pages to crawl.

Although there is information in the sitemap that shows the frequency of page changes on one URL vs others on that website, it is doubtful that this has any impact on results of the build up of the sitemap checker. A search engine can use an XML sitemap to create a queue of pages it wishes to serve.

What Are HTML Sitemaps?

HTML sitemaps are supposed to help website visitors. The sitemaps are a well-organized table of content that includes every page on the website, from the major pages to the lower-level sites.

An HTML sitemap is just a list of a website's pages that can be accessed by clicking on them. It can be an unordered list of every page on a site in its most basic form - but don't do that.

It's well worth the effort since this is a fantastic opportunity to bring some structure to the chaos.

Overview of Sitemap Checker

For the analysis, just knowing about the sitemap isn't enough. You must comprehend how sitemap checker function. It might be simple to work on the sitemap checker if you comprehend the analyses and plans. WebTool can assist you in using a website map checker to check sitemap.