Building a sitemap is the first step in creating your own website. In this piece, we'll look at what sitemaps are, why they're important, and the best Free Sitemap Generator tools for creating them.

Visual sitemaps and XML sitemaps are the two most used forms of sitemaps for websites. We'll look at resources to help you create both sorts of sitemaps in this post on the finest sitemap generating tools available.

An XML sitemap, or extensible markup language sitemap, is an XML file that provides a list of all your website's URLs. It aids Google crawlers in their search for links to crawl. They also provide information such as when they were last updated, how they relate to other URLs, and so on. Overall, they can help you enhance the structure of your website.

HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps are often confused. They are, however, vastly different. PageRank is sent from your homepage to other key pages using HTML sitemaps. They function as crawl hubs and can help with website navigation. They are written with website users in mind.

XML sitemaps, on the other hand, are written primarily for search engines. Google is the only one who can see them. Visitors to your site, as well as SEO professionals, who are seeking for essential pages, will be unable to find them.

Let's take a look at which websites require a sitemap before we examine several online sitemap generating software. You must publish your sitemap to all search engines whenever you redesign or make a substantial modification to your website. It should be structured in such a manner that search engines can easily distinguish between and contextualize each web page.

You may use online sitemap generator tools to save yourself the time and effort of building your own sitemap.

How to Make the Most of the Keyword Rank Checker

The rank checker tool is intended to help SEOs improve their keyword research skills. In short, the keyword rank checker is best used to identify:

On-page SEO low-hanging fruit Low hanging fruit is crucial to take advantage of since it will assist you deliver relevant traffic to your more challenging keyword objectives, and traffic triggers ranking signals.

Clusters of keywords. You'll be able to construct more powerful power pages, or you may create many pages that work together to produce keyword relevancy.

Competitor analysis. Knowing what subjects your rivals are using to drive attention to their websites is really useful. The cherry on top is knowing the precise URL, traffic cost, keyword position, search volume, and projected traffic.

Research in a specific niche. If you want to have a better understanding of a topic before diving into an affiliate project, keyword checking prominent authority domains in the niche is a great way to do so.

How to Run a Website Speed Test Correctly

Now that you've set up cache and added a CDN, it's time to learn how to speed test your WordPress site properly. You may use a variety of methods to evaluate the performance of your website. A complete list may be found further down. Pingdom, one of the most popular and widely used tools, will be utilised in this example.

The Site of the Speed Test Is Important

Almost every site speed check program lets you pick from a variety of testing sites across the world, which is important. As a result, it's critical to speed test your site from both a near and a distant distance from your data center. This will also allow you to assess the CDN's influence on your WordPress site. You may also temporarily disable your CDN and re-test to see if there is any change.

You must test several times.

What are the signs that your material or media isn't being served from cache? It's simple. HTTP headers are displayed in every speed test tool (also known as response headers). These documents include crucial details regarding each request.

You must see everything load from cache in order to perform a meaningful performance test (both from your WordPress host and CDN). The x-kinsta-cache and x-cache headers will record an HIT if this is the case (as seen below). This usually necessitates repeating your speed test. We've discovered that the magic number is generally two or three. Some speed test programs, such as Pingdom, set a time restriction between each test (usually a couple minutes). As a result, you may need to perform your speed test, come back later, and run it again, and so on.

Try it out and see how simple keyword research can be, the uses of Free Sitemap Generator especially when combined with our keyword recommendation tool, Google Keyword Planner API, and data from Moz, Majestic, IBM Watson, Calais, and Data for SEO. For further info, visit WebTool!